Healthy Range: 1 to 12.
What is it?
Visceral fat, also known as abdominal or organ fat is located inside the abdominal cavity, packed between the organs. Your visceral fat score is expressed in terms of its area.
Why is it important?
Excess visceral fat is associated with type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance, inflammatory diseases and other obesity-related diseases. Another problem with visceral fat is its impact on adiponectin the hormone that regulates your body fat and as a result your body produces more fat than it needs.
Any recommendations?
Rating from 1 to 12: This indicates you have a healthy level of visceral fat. Continue to monitor to ensure you stay within the healthy range.
Rating from 12 to 59: This indicates an excess of visceral fat. You should consider making changes to your lifestyle which could include dietary changes and increasing exercise.
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